Podcasting, podcasting

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Streets ahead

Hosted by me, Ned Boulting and Adam Tranter, Streets Ahead is dedicated to walking, cycling and wheeling, in the UK and beyond. This is my main podcasting outlet, though other podcast appearances sometimes take place

Or behold Streets Ahead’s latest through the RSS feed, beneath


Former podcasting escapades can be found below. The Active Travel Podcast continues to do great work, while Virtual Velo-City was a one-time thing.

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The active travel podcast

The Active Travel Podcast is the audio home of the Active Travel Academy, on all things cycling, walking and micromobility - I founded and hosted this podcast, with the University of Westminster’s Dr Rachel Aldred, until 2021


virtual velo-city

An almost-live podcast from Velo-City 2019, Dublin. Its hosts, journalist, author and historian, Carlton Reid and I, wandered the conference talking to some of its most fascinating voices, about cycling now, and in the future, around the world